Keeping Up With Bob and Karen

Keeping Up With Bob and Karen

Monday, October 18, 2010

Airport Culture Aussie Style

Airports Aussie Style:

Bob and I have had a few tours of airports lately. Look what I found at the airport....... interestingly, we have had some hours to pass while waiting for our planes.

There is a certain culture in Aussie airports. The domestic terminals are very laid back. We never have to show any ID or any passports. In fact, they ask you the questions about what you are carrying when you put your name in for your boarding pass. They screen your computer and your carry on but it is very casual. You can go through security in quick minutes - even with a big line up.
The stores and the food courts are much the same at each airport. Not all fast food places are there, unlike Calgary! Bob decided we should go shopping. LOOK - Airport Barbie! What more could you ask for......

Ah yes, the wine tasting. Aussie airports have wine tasting set up in the domestic airport - it is a wine buying club. The nice man at the booth decided to let the Canadians have a taste - and yes it was free.

I found some toys to play with - all Qantas, of course.

There is a shop in all the airports called Beach Culture and a souvenir shop called Australia Outback. Bob is looking for gear here.

And where is Tim when you need him? Donuts are hard to find in this country but when you do find them - they are Krispy Kreme. Any good Canadian knows that these donuts don't stand a chance next to a Tim Horton maple dip! And catch the prices - yes 2.50 per donut and 19.95 for a dozen - 21.95 if you pick the kind you want!

At the Brisbane airport, the terminal is both for Virgin Airlines and for Qantas. There are signs that tell you that you are entering the other company's part of the airport and therefore cannot hear announcements. Of course, they recommend you stay and spend your money on their side of the airport. We, as always, had to venture around. Here is the girls' room in the Virgin part of the airport. Bob is lost and this lady said to him " I thought you were going to the wrong room!"

Still looking for Christmas presents for the kids. Hey you kids, let us know if you like anything in the pictures. ( Just kidding!)

Finally time for a snack - a 5.00 dollar muffin and a dish of fruit for 7.50. On the upside coffee and cappacino cost the same so we always go for the good stuff! Life in the airport! Who knew it could be so interesting.

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