Another full day in Sydney. We had hoped to head up to the Blue Mountains but heavy rain put an end to that. We heard that there was heavy snow in the Snowy Mountains and many roads were closed due to flooding. Luckily the weather here in Sydney was only cool and windy. Karen and I spent the morning wondering around Darling Harbour. It has a beautiful U shaped walk where you can find restaurants, the IMAX, the Sydney Aquarium, and well you get the idea.

Darling Harbour

Of course we went into the aquarium. There was lots to see. The Manta Rays were cool.

I love Nemo!

This guy looks hungry!

We were looking for fruit at a grocery store. Expensive peeches!

Just before going to the opera, a large cruise ship was leaving. The ship was sailing around the world and had made port from Hawaii.

Karen and I had supper at an Italian restaurant alongside the harbour. Yep, it was expensive but we were part of the beautiful people who were heading to the Sydney Opera House. We saw Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro. The opera was in Italian and thankfully there were subtitles above the stage. The show was lots of fun. It was a bit long for my liking. My friends Barry and Sheila would have shuddered to find out we went to the opera in our best fishing clothes because that is what we have along. Please forgive us.

Tomorrow is a big day for the Catholic church here in Australia. Their first saint will be
cannonized tomorrow at the Vatican. I took this picture of Saint Mary MacKillop that was projected on the side of the Sydney Harbour bridge as we left the opera house.
...a busy day indeed.
A REAL opera!?!? You are so cultured! :) I can NOT believe the price of peaches. OMG. Chris, Em and I would be BROKE! We LOVE peaches!