Keeping Up With Bob and Karen

Keeping Up With Bob and Karen

Monday, November 1, 2010

Getting Ready for New Zealand

Well yesterday we caught up on laundry, scrubbed our wading boots and waders, fixed a hole in one set of waders, caught up on e-mail when we could and repacked our gear. Tomorrow we head to Christchurch to get our hippi van from a company called Wicked. We fly from Hobart back to Melbourne and then we head to Christchurch. It's about an hour back to Melbourne and three hours to Christchurch. It will be a long travel day once we return our present van, go through customs here in Hobart and then travel. We are in a camper park in Hobart near the airport and we have rented a small cabin for the last two days in Tasmania.

We expect to be delayed at Biosecurity in Christchurch. That may mean an all night stay at the airport. We will see. Everything is squeeky clean.

Drying out the waders and fixing a hole.

Making sure everything is perfectly dry and clean.

Our small cabin, it works perfectly.

Karen checking mail when we have a signal strong enough to do so.

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